lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009

La Pieta by Michelangelo: Renaissance art

La Pieta by Michelangelo: Renaissance art

Michelangelo (Miguel Ángel: Spanish).
“La Pieta” (La Piedad: Spanish).
Sculpture: Marble.
174 cm x 195 cm.
St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City.
Galería Michelangelo Buonarroti (Miguel Ángel Buonarroti) website. October 4, 2009.

“Art” is a word really hard to explain. All of us have seen a lot of pieces of art, but do we really know the meaning of art?

What do you feel when you see all the stars in the sky? I feel like I am flying. For me, art is something that makes me feel something different, something deep that I can not explain.

Here I am going to share with you a piece of art that made me a lot of deep emotions. I am going to show you beautiful pictures of that piece of art, and I am going to make some comments.

Here you are going to be able to appreciate art because I am sure that you are going to feel something when you see this piece of art.

Something very important is that I am going to say what does it make me feel, what did I think and feel when I saw it the first time, and why do I really like it.

At the end I am going to make a creative work of art recreating the original one with my own hands (I hope you like it), and I will tell you why did I do that representation. This is going to be something really interesting.

I am sure that we are going to have a very nice and pleasant time looking and analyzing beautiful artworks that I like….here we go…have fun and enjoy this…you will like it…


Variables for sculpture analysis: Sunday October 4, 2009.
Name of the work: “La Pietá” (La Piedad: Spanish).
Name of the author: Michelangelo (Miguel Ángel: Spanish).
Period: 1499.
Place where the work is at: St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City.
Technique: Chiseled, carved.
“In the tape across the chest of the Virgin María, Michelangelo chiseled: Michelangelo Buonarroti, Florentine, made it”. (Galería Michelangelo Buonarroti (Miguel Ángel Buonarroti) website. October 4, 2009.


Material: Marble.
Movement: Smooth.
This sculpture is not rigid or forced. It seems to be delicate and soft, smooth.
Type: Sculpture in the round.
You can see all around it. It is separated of the wall, but it is located really close to the wall.
Posture: Seated (Virgin María) and Lying down (Christ on Virgin María’s lap).
Body part: Whole body.
You can see the whole body of the Virgin María and Christ…it is wonderful.
Relationship with the architecture: It is separated from the building (the wall of the Basilica).
Theme: Religious.
The theme is religious because we can see the scene between the Virgin María and Christ. Christ is lying down on his mother´s lap. She is looking at him really peacefully, and she is holding him.
Principles: This sculpture has a very good proportion between the elements that it is representing: the Virgin María and Christ. They have an excellent movement; you can see that Christ is lying down with no strength, and the Virgin María is holding him with her hands.

Specific Characteristics of the work

Something really special and unique about this work of art is the real representation of a mother and a son together in a painful moment, in this case: the Virgin María and Christ, her son. Christ is lying on her lap; he seems to be desperate, hopeless; but his mother is holding him with her hands, and she is looking at him in a really peaceful way.
Something that makes this sculpture so unique is the extremely detailed elaboration. We can see very clearly the expression on their face. We can see all the wrinkles of the clothes. Everything is very detailed: the hands, the fingers, the hair…

Relevant events of the context

The Renaissance was a period where the atmosphere was full of freedom and individualism. The literal meaning of “Renaissance” is “rebirth”. This new ideological period started in Italy, where there was a rich society. This individualism and freedom were caused because of the new artistic representations. The artist started to create new works; they left behind the medieval era and started to discover new ways of expressions, they started to work tridimensional shapes and reality. The humanism started to grow up in this period, the human was the center of attention. (Damico Ryan. The Renaissance period. October 4, 2009.

The artistic ideologies were based on individualism and freedom, individual expression and worldly experience were the most popular themes in artistic expressions.
The religious ideologies were based in the crucifixion of Christ, but initially, the artist wanted to move away from religion and concentrate in humanism (the human was the center of attention), but in high Renaissance religion was considered in artistic representation (La Pietá).
(Dawn Toner, Peter Toner. Toffs World Website: Renaissance art. 1999-2009. October 4, 2009.

In this period, the humanism created a motivation and curiosity about the world. The people started to ask questions about the world, and they started to observe everything around them. All this curiosity led to the scientific and technological development.
Some scientific and technological advantages were:
- Heliocentric theory by Nicolas Copernicus.
- Galileo Galilei invented the telescope.
- Some inventions like: the printing machine, the compass, the early firearms, etc.
All this advantages made an impact because the inventions changed the world. A very god example is the printing machine: the people started to publish literary works, like novels; and this literary advantage was part of the renaissance artistic movement. (Electro History.2008. October 4, 2009.

Reflection: Relationship between the context and the work

This sculpture is reflecting the atmosphere of the period because the artist Michelangelo made a representation with tridimensional form and realism. We can see the presence of the humanism (the most representative characteristic of Renaissance); the Virgin María and Christ represent humans like all of us.

This work of art reflects very clearly the predominant ideologies of the period. We can see this is an individual expression made by Michelangelo, and the religious ideologies are present in this sculpture. We can see a scene after Christ´s crucifixion. Christ is lying on his mother´s lap, and she is holding him with her hands; she is looking at him in a really pacific way in a painful moment.

We can see the impact of the scientific and technological advances not in the type of creation; we can see it in the interest of making this work of art in a really detailed way. It is confusing to explain this, but I think that the curiosity and motivation for science and technology is reflected, in this case, in the work of art.
Michelangelo was very interested in making something glorious, and his motivation and determination are reflected in this beautiful sculpture. It is something similar to the science and technology: the curiosity and motivation led the people to create new inventions.

Personal Reflection

The aspects of Renaissance that I identify with myself are: humanism and the religious ideologies. I think that “the human” is a perfect creation of the nature; I think something similar to the “humanism” of the Renaissance: the human is the center of everything, we are humans, we can do all the things we want, we are able to change the world, we can make mistakes…For me, a human is the most mysterious creation. I identify with myself the religion ideologies because I believe in the crucifixion of Christ, and I have a lot of faith. I really appreciate all the things related with religion. Besides all this things…I think that I am related to the art because I love making my own works of art.

Geographic location of the place of origin of the work

The sculpture “La pieta” by Michelangelo was created in Rome, Italy.
Travel Smart group. Rome maps - World Guide to Rome website.2000-2009. October 4, 2009.

Now, the sculpture “La pieta” by Michelangelo is located in St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City.
Euratlas shop. The Countries of Europe - Vatican City: Website. 2009. October 4, 2009.


This is the section that I really enjoy because I am going to share with you what I feel when I see this piece of art.

Definitely, this sculpture is the greatest piece of art that I have seen. Maybe you are thinking that I am exaggerating, but it is true. The color, the pose, and the scene of the Virgin María with Christ on her lap…everything made me feel that we are not alone in the difficult situations of our lives.

When I saw the Virgin María´s face, I felt safe, I felt in peace. She seems to be looking at Christ with the love of a mother.

When I saw Christ lying down on his mother´s lap, I felt nostalgic; I felt pain in my heart. He seems to be desperate; he seems weak, with no strength to continue.

But finally…I understood the meaning of this scene, the meaning of this sculpture:
The Virgin María is holding is son with the strength of her arms, she is looking at his son to give him love and strength to continue. He feels alone, defenseless. But his mother is there to show him that he is not alone.

For me, this sculpture has a very personal meaning and interpretation…If I feel hopeless, I know that someone is going to be there to help me and give me the support I need: “My mom”. She has showed me that she is always going to be there if I need her…and I really appreciate that. When I saw this sculpture the first time, I remembered my mom, her face, her smile…

- Now, I want to share with you this images I found of “La Pieta” by Michelangelo. I found them in: Final sense. La divina madre.2009. October 4, 2009.

Look at her face. She seems to be so peaceful.

Look at the wonderful details

You can appreciate the expression on their faces. What do you feel?

My own recreation of the original work of art:

Gema Paulina Fernández Castillo.
Pieces of paper (in different colors).
33cm x 50 cm.
Villa de Álvarez, Colima.

I decided to make the image of “La Virgen de Guadalupe” in my own style, in my own way. I used a lot of small pieces of paper (in different colors), glue, scissors and a pencil. When I finished, I noticed that we do not have to spend a lot of money to create a beautiful work of art (I did not spend more than 20 pesos).

My own representation of “La Virgen de Guadalupe” means: faith, love, hope and peace. The beautiful colors on her clothes: green, red and white represent the Mexican faith. Her peaceful face makes me feel relaxed and safe.

Maybe you are thinking: Why did she make an image of “La Virgen the Guadalupe”? –Well I have a little story that I want to share with you:

- One day, about two years ago, I was in one of the most difficult moments of my life. My mom got really sick and she had to stay at the hospital for some weeks, she was in a really bad moment.

I was sleeping at my grand mom’s house with my two brothers. My dad didn´t sleep there, he slept every night at the hospital, next to my mom.

In that moment I was really afraid, I was desperate, I just wanted to shout and cry. I had to seem to be fine because my two younger brothers were afraid too. I had to be brave and strong.
The days passed, and my mom was still at the hospital. I got sick, and my grand mom was alone taking care of us.

One day, my grand mom, my brothers and I were in the dining room. We were eating, like every day, but I was about to exploit. Suddenly, I turned to the right, and I saw an image of “La Virgen de Guadalupe” that my grand mom has in the living room in her house.

In that moment…I felt in peace, I forgot all my problems. I saw her peaceful face looking at me. She was smiling, and I felt that I was not alone.
In a really strange way I felt that she told me that everything was going to be fine.

Some days later my mom started to get better, and soon she came back to the house with us. I was really happy, and I just wanted to hug my mom and hold her close to me.

I will say “Thanks” to “La Virgen de Guadalupe” for the rest of my life…you can think whatever you want, you can believe me or not…but I am sure about something: I know that I am not alone.

This is something very important for me. I felt very good while I was making this image. I am going to keep it in my room, and I am going to look her peaceful face every day…
Now I really know that…in all the difficult moments we are can find something that is going to make us feel better.

Remember this: “We could be in the worst moment of our lives, but with just one smile…everything seems to be better”.

“We are not alone in the world; we are always going to find someone that is going to be with us. That person is going to open his heart and his eyes, and that person is going to stay next to you in the good and bad moments of your life”. Gema Paulina Fernández Castillo.

I learned to appreciate all the things that I have.

I want to give you an advice:

Today…give a hug, smile, say “I love you”…because we do not know what could happen. Appreciate all the things you have, enjoy every day…

“We just have one life…enjoy every moment!!!!

You´d better never let go the opportunities you have to be happy. These opportunities come once in a life time…
Gema Paulina Fernández Castillo.
Michelangelo Buonarroti (Miguel Ángel Buonarroti) website. October 4, 2009.
Damico Ryan. The Renaissance period. October 4, 2009.
Dawn Toner, Peter Toner. Toffs World Website: Renaissance art. 1999-2009. October 4, 2009.
Electro History.2008. October 4, 2009.
Travel Smart group. Rome maps - World Guide to Rome website.2000-2009. October 4, 2009.
Euratlas shop. The Countries of Europe - Vatican City: Website. 2009. October 4, 2009.
La divina madre.2009. October 4, 2009.